Whirlpool introduces its first ‘Haute-Kitchen’ in Pune…

      Pune gets its first Built-in Appliances Experiential Centre Whirlpool of India recently launched their exclusive Built in experiential centre ” Whirlpool’s Haute Kitchen” in Pune in association with Maharashtra Electronic Corporation(MEC) in Dorabjee Heritage Mall, on 11th March and team R4review was there to witness and experience the experiential centre. The inauguration of city’s first


Sherlock Restaurant Crawl with AXN India!!!

To all the Benedict and Sherlock Holmes’ fans, it is Benedict Cumberbatch’s aka Sherlock Holmes’ birthday month.  And to celebrate the birthday of the man who plays the most iconic detective on screen Sherlock Holmes, AXN has taken an unconventional route for its fans. In addition to showing all Sherlock episodes back-to- back for the